Friday, August 5, 2016

Physical Activity, Sports, Football and Swimming

Physical activity is so important. We all know that; we feel it. After we do some exercise, we seem to be like reborned and our body feels like working. After you finish doing exercise there is no doubt on that you did something good for you. Despite of that, today we just don't make exercise, because just doing exercise is boring. However, there are the sports, which have the same effect plus having fun. In spite of everything, it's easy to understand why there are people that don't like sports. There are a lot of things to do, many possible interests, and internet; well. 
So let's see, Football. I think Football itself is an amazing sport. The problem is that football is a big business and also that turns people incredibly distracted, like "nothing else matters". Well,  football appears to be more an spectacle than a sport. If it's about doing some sport, I chose swimming. I like the idea of being learning to move your body in a new medium which is aqueous. Is like any other knowledge. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Latinamerican History

 Latinamerican History caught my attention even before I entered the university. During my schooldays I didn't learn more than a bit about this topic, neither on class nor my own. It's true that it is all a matter of interests, because the information is all (or at least a big part of it) there on the internet, but I always had other interests and the time is always limited. So having a subject about this topic on the university appeared to me like a very nice opportunity to learn something new.
Regardless of my story, today I can say that the history of this continent is sad and the countries that make the continent are so artificial, because the Latinamerican politic is commanded by the world powers. The Latinamerican countries had always asked for favors to the older countries for their developments, and the price has been too big. I think that on these days the continent is seen by some "developed countries"  like the one that emerged with their hands (the hands of the "developed countries"), and that there is a strong tacit hierarchy between the States.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Bronislaw Malinowsky

Bronislaw Malinowsky is an anthropologist and etnographer who has been constantly outstanding as one of the most importants of his area. Its contributions to the anthropology consist on the approach of the cultures accounts to the academic study of them. He stressed the importance of the direct contact between the investigator or student and the culture that is being studying.

It is known, by his own personal dairy and the way he wrote his books, that Malinowsky didn't make his expeditions on his will. He was there because the Austro-hungarian empire banished him to the trobian islands, giving to him the opportunity to return with the condition of developing some investigation, so he was obliged to do a work that turned off more stressful than inspiring. Based on this, I think that all the enunciation of his ideas were forced by a particular context (First world war) which must had conditioned the results of them.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Today I'm going to talk about a short story wrote by Roberto Bolaño which is called "Putas asesinas". It starts whit a very confusing scene on which a man awakes tied to a chair and gagged, and realize that has been kidnaped by a woman. This woman starts telling to the man the reasons why she made that, but her mysterious and unclear language end up being a really strong psychological torture.

I don't want to spoil the story so I'm not gone to tell you more.

This story means a lot to me because the first time I read it I was like thirteen and an old-age friend just took the book and said "come here, read this" and I just had never read something like that before, so a few months later i read it again and it was even much exciting.

What I like about this story is its originality, because I thing that even if its plot may sound like cliché, the way on which it develops is the most entretaining thing, and I think that that's the good thing about literature: not the ideas on itself but the development of them. So when if you read it slowly, trying to recreate the scenes, with its different images on your mind, its makes you feel really amazing things!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Human Evolution Timeline

1. About  800.000 years ago, fire was controlled by early humans.
2. About 6 million years ago most early human species became bipedal.
3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and Southern Africa.
4. About  12.000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of certain kind of plants and animals.
5. The Homo Sapiens are the earliest human species from the timeline.

1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans?
It’s supposed that climate change has speeded up the brain increasing process.
2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why?
It’s complicated, because some impressive things have appeared from millions years ago, since other things have just arrived since 12.000 ago. So the amount of time between them is a lot, but I think it’s amazing how recently the humanity has started eating plants and animals, which is a very radical change.
3. Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone?
They were the homo-habilis (Homo means human, and habilis means skilled.
4. Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe? When?
They were the homo heidelbergensis from about 700.000 to 200.000 years ago.
5. Which species survived for the longest time? For how long?
They were the Homo Erectus from 1.89 million to 143.000 years ago.

Friday, April 29, 2016

I'm going to write about something that comes to my mind very often. It's about a human characteristic, or a part of every single human: the ego. I know it sounds tedious but I think that thinking on it is good for everyone, because ego is the "thing" that makes a person to hate another person, or just something of it.
Bringing out ego  means that you put yourself on first priority on everything; on a conversation, on a decision, on arguing, or in any collective activity. Ego also appears on single activities; it is always there, so you cannot evade it and that is maybe the problematic thing: people seems to forget that they are not the only ego in the word. Because, as I said, everyone has an ego, which is very strong.
Is just a natural fact:  a person always have itself on his own presence (he can't go and leave itself on his home; he is he, and goes with him to everyplace), and for other side a person have the mision to survive in the world, so it's normal that his mind is always focusing on itself also.
So ego is a complicated topic because it is completely natural, but it affects really hard on people's relations. What I propose is something very simple. Because a person ego is always there and it's not going to go to any place, it is better for him to become aware about it and save certaind attitudes for different context. It is not necessary to show your ego, because people can see you and apreciate you perfectly. So, different as you, other people will perfectly apreciate and value the talents or ideas that you have just with your presence and humbleness. Humility is always the best valuated thing on a person.
So showing ego is just a personal whim that tries to satisfy or corrobarate on the others someting about yourself. But it's not necesary to do that! It is best to save your ego for joking or for recognising your own efforts when you are on a nbad moment. Ego is an unavoidable fact that can be dangerous for your relations if you are not conscious of it, so it is best to channel that impulses on different contexts to benefit from it. It have a social utility.

Friday, April 22, 2016