Friday, July 22, 2016

Latinamerican History

 Latinamerican History caught my attention even before I entered the university. During my schooldays I didn't learn more than a bit about this topic, neither on class nor my own. It's true that it is all a matter of interests, because the information is all (or at least a big part of it) there on the internet, but I always had other interests and the time is always limited. So having a subject about this topic on the university appeared to me like a very nice opportunity to learn something new.
Regardless of my story, today I can say that the history of this continent is sad and the countries that make the continent are so artificial, because the Latinamerican politic is commanded by the world powers. The Latinamerican countries had always asked for favors to the older countries for their developments, and the price has been too big. I think that on these days the continent is seen by some "developed countries"  like the one that emerged with their hands (the hands of the "developed countries"), and that there is a strong tacit hierarchy between the States.


  1. In my second semester, I had Latinoamerican History! It's a good subject.

  2. it's sad to think in Latin america like the backyard of others countries
